- By:standrews
- Hits: 691
St Andrew’s Community Trust (SACT) works in connection with Waiuku and Districts Combined Churches and community groups. The trust exists to give encouragement, practical assistance and financial support for various community-focused initiatives. Funds are raised for these initiatives through donations and grants. All of SACT’s trustees are unpaid volunteers, and all funds administered are allied to community programmes.
Current initiatives include the following:
- Playgroup and mainly music (weekly programmes for pre-school children and their families)
- St Andrew's Seniors (weekly programme for senior citizens)
- Grandies’ Sandwich Club (support for grandparents with significant involvement in caring for grandchildren and possibly other family members also)
- English Conversation Group (English conversation skills for immigrants)
- Sunday @ St Andrew’s (monthly music concerts)
- FLORA FEST (annual botanical festival formerly known as Festival of Flowers)
Other initiatives have included:
- Toolbox parenting groups and the 5 Star Families programme
- Men’s health event (planned to be repeated in 2025)
- Networking event
- By:standrews
- Hits: 634
St Andrew’s Seniors is a weekly social group for over-65s.
The programme comprises gentle chair-based exercise, board games and puzzles, occasional guest speakers or musical items, and other fun activities. A delicious morning tea is also provided.
St Andrew’s Seniors is a great way to make friends in a safe and welcoming environment.
The sessions are every Thursday, 9.30am to 12pm and cost $3 per session.
For more information, contact the St Andrew’s Centre office.
This programme is an initiative of St Andrew’s Community Trust.
- By:standrews
- Hits: 3760
Are you in the middle of a generation sandwich, spending much of your time caring for grandchildren and maybe other family members too?
- By:standrews
- Hits: 6284
Sunday afternoon concerts are normally held on the first Sunday of the month, from March to November. These are advertised widely and well attended by the community.
- By:standrews
- Hits: 5716
This has grown from a few vases of flowers fifteen years ago. FLORA FEST (formerly known as Festival of Flowers) is now the highlight of the year for many of the more artistic folk in the parish, and remains hugely popular with the Waiuku community and visitors. This special event is usually held in November when the whole of the St Andrew's Centre is full of inspiring displays that are provided by outside groups as well as parish members.
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