About Us
- By:standrews
- Hits: 205143
It is my privilege as Minister of Waiuku and District Combined Churches to welcome you to our Web page. It is our hope that this will give you a glimpse into the life and work of this vibrant parish. We are a Christian community that seeks to build up people in their faith, as well as reaching out into the community beyond our doors and our shores.
We would warmly invite you to look at what we offer in a wide range of programmes and services and if you would like to personally experience anything that is on offer please make contact with us. I have had comments from visitors and new comers to our parish expressing what a warm and welcoming environment we offer.
Our hope is to support and encourage people from all walks of life to experience the fullness of life offered through faith in Jesus Christ. Programmes offered, are for people for whom faith is important, as well as for people who are exploring issues of faith, or for those who do not want to engage in that journey. We hope that the environment found here is supportive and encouraging for all. There are programmes for young children, for youth, for parents for seniors and activities for all ages in between. We endeavour to connect with people where ever we can and to help meet the needs of our community where possible.
Enjoy your journey through our website and feel free to come and meet us.
Rev Richard Gray